

美光科技| 2021年6月

沙巴体育安卓版下载他以前没有想过的职业的新信息. 这对他来说是无价之宝,所以非常感谢大家.”




微米’s Global 女孩们走向科技 (GGTech) program is all about giving girls a chance to explore STEM concepts through fun, hands-on activities while learning directly from women working in STEM fields at 微米.




在美国.S., more than 250 girls from six states participated in the virtual events this year. 美光团队成员再次自愿加入, 50名团队成员为这个项目贡献了他们的时间和专业知识. 此外,40%的美国人.S. 参与者来自资源不足的人群.


Taiwan hosted multiple GGTech events, with more than 230 students and 23 volunteers participating. 在日本首届GGTech活动上, 52名学生和3名美光志愿者参与了这项研究, along with 18 college students from Hiroshima University who volunteered and helped make the event a success.




技术职业女性(WITC)带来休闲, interactive and informative career discussions to female students in grades nine through 12. 职业演讲人是在美光科技各个stem相关领域工作的女性. 这些WITC事件有Q&A forums on topics ranging from what classes to take in high school to how to choose a college and what is the most challenging part of a STEM career. 共有76名学生来自三个美国.S. states attended the eight events, which were put on with the help of 25 微米 volunteers.




微米’s Tech Camp increased its numbers this year with more than 400 junior high-aged students from 15 states — 34% were female and over 50% were from underrepresented or under-resourced populations. 第二年,夏令营实际上进行了四周, and 微米 shipped students their activity materials to ensure they had a hands-on STEM experience. 美光团队共有140名成员, 包括40名实习生, supported Tech Camp by volunteering their time and energy to make these camps possible. 微米’s President and CEO Sanjay Mehrotra provided the keynote address for each week of camp.


同样,反馈是积极的. 父母喜欢看到他们的学生参加暑期活动, 发送这样的感谢信息:“这个营地太棒了. My son said that if this camp went every day of his summer break, he still would happily participate. 非常感谢!”




感谢志愿者团队成员, virtual STEM lessons were delivered to students in two rural Idaho communities on a weekly or biweekly basis. These communities are in remote locations that make in-person outreach difficult. The virtual format (and the dedication of the volunteers) made this experience possible.


共有85名学生参加了26次虚拟会议, 是由12位美光志愿者戴上的吗. 在参与的人中, 其中一半是女性,100%来自资源不足的人口, 这意味着他们来自农村或低社会经济地位的学校. 此外,30%来自STEM中代表性不足的人群.

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尽管面临COVID-19大流行带来的挑战, 微米给在提供STEM教育方面毫不畏惧, 把科学, 技术, 工程和数学学习机会2个以上,500名学生来自世界各地-在台湾, 日本, 意大利, 上海和美国.S. -从2020年8月到2021年7月.

微米 STEM education programs are designed to excite students in all grades and introduce them to fun and fascinating STEM fields. We want students to fall in love with these subjects — especially those related to making semiconductors — and to foster a passion that, 希望, 变成职业. 谁知道? Perhaps some of the bright and curious students attending our programs will become bright and curious 微米 team members in a few years.

Here’s a quick rundown of some of our signature STEM education programs that 微米给 organized around the world.


我们长期的工作见习项目, 在这门课程中,学生们了解了半导体行业的职业发展, 由于COVID-19的预防措施,今年搬到了网上. More than 350 students participated in activities to learn about the semiconductor industry. They interacted with team members in chosen career fields to find out what it takes to pursue those careers. 学生们还被介绍了就业和高等教育途径资源.

这些项目离不开帮助. 在这个案例中,来自美国几个国家的80多名微米志愿者.S. 网站使这个项目成为可能. 他们的指导和榜样影响了全国各地的学生. 虚拟教学使我们能够接触到更多不同的学生, including 34% female participants and more from underrepresented and under-resourced populations than in previous years.

我们收到的反馈强调了这些项目的重要性. 以下是一位家长说的话, “我儿子带着很多好东西离开了, 沙巴体育安卓版下载他以前没有想过的职业的新信息. 这对他来说是无价之宝,所以非常感谢大家.”


微米’s Global 女孩们走向科技 (GGTech) program is all about giving girls a chance to explore STEM concepts through fun, hands-on activities while learning directly from women working in STEM fields at 微米.


在美国.S., more than 250 girls from six states participated in the virtual events this year. 美光团队成员再次自愿加入, 50名团队成员为这个项目贡献了他们的时间和专业知识. 此外,40%的美国人.S. 参与者来自资源不足的人群.

Taiwan hosted multiple GGTech events, with more than 230 students and 23 volunteers participating. 在日本首届GGTech活动上, 52名学生和3名美光志愿者参与了这项研究, along with 18 college students from Hiroshima University who volunteered and helped make the event a success.


技术职业女性(WITC)带来休闲, interactive and informative career discussions to female students in grades nine through 12. 职业演讲人是在美光科技各个stem相关领域工作的女性. 这些WITC事件有Q&A forums on topics ranging from what classes to take in high school to how to choose a college and what is the most challenging part of a STEM career. 共有76名学生来自三个美国.S. states attended the eight events, which were put on with the help of 25 微米 volunteers.


微米’s Tech Camp increased its numbers this year with more than 400 junior high-aged students from 15 states — 34% were female and over 50% were from underrepresented or under-resourced populations. 第二年,夏令营实际上进行了四周, and 微米 shipped students their activity materials to ensure they had a hands-on STEM experience. 美光团队共有140名成员, 包括40名实习生, supported Tech Camp by volunteering their time and energy to make these camps possible. 微米’s President and CEO Sanjay Mehrotra provided the keynote address for each week of camp.

同样,反馈是积极的. 父母喜欢看到他们的学生参加暑期活动, 发送这样的感谢信息:“这个营地太棒了. My son said that if this camp went every day of his summer break, he still would happily participate. 非常感谢!”


感谢志愿者团队成员, virtual STEM lessons were delivered to students in two rural Idaho communities on a weekly or biweekly basis. These communities are in remote locations that make in-person outreach difficult. The virtual format (and the dedication of the volunteers) made this experience possible.

共有85名学生参加了26次虚拟会议, 是由12位美光志愿者戴上的吗. 在参与的人中, 其中一半是女性,100%来自资源不足的人口, 这意味着他们来自农村或低社会经济地位的学校. 此外,30%来自STEM中代表性不足的人群.

一个正在设计机器人的小女孩. 日本冈山


Two additional programs were offered in Taiwan: 微米’s Science Winter Camp and the Science Fun Fair. In January, 120 students participated in the Science Winter Camp with three 微米 volunteers. 4月, more than 800 students enjoyed 20 science booths that 30 volunteers prepared for the Science Fun Fair.

In 意大利, 微米 facilitated a challenge called STEAM Beyond Borders and Barriers. 在这个挑战中, 40 students from four secondary institutions collaborated with the Politecnico di Milano on two projects that will benefit their communities while inspiring the next generation of inventors. This collaboration resulted in the creation of a virtual 技术 museum and the development of a downloadable app that allows users to take a virtual tour of an area with historic and scientific significance. 美光团队成员担任这些项目的导师和顾问.

微米 Shanghai invited a group of seventh-grade students to the site with team members conducting STEM activities. The students built a circuit with LEDs and got so excited when the LEDs lit up with “Love 微米.” Another activity involved taking cellphones apart to observe the inside 技术, with engineers showing how to perform simple cellphone testing and explaining the major components of a cellphone.

微米 global STEM programs have had a rich history of providing STEM education outreach to our site communities. Pivoting to a virtual format allowed us to reach not only more students but also to reach populations that may not have had access to these types of experiences. We know that diverse experiences contribute to innovation and that innovation is a spark that helps all people reach their full potential.