
Why the future of mobile devices depends on memory

Raj Talluri | April 2020



How do 微米 products power the future of smartphones?


The recently announced 小米 Mi 10 leverages 微米 LPDDR5. 这是世界上首款量产的低功耗DDR5 DRAM,使5G智能手机能够以超低延迟响应时间和低功耗模式运行,从而支持多个高分辨率摄像头, multiplayer gaming, and augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications.


这并不是美光推动创新以支持移动未来的唯一领域. We’re also looking at processing versus memory and storage. 在我们今天的沙巴体育结算平台中,我们认为处理和记忆是相互分离的. 但我从生物学上得到了启示,因为很难分辨人类大脑中的处理过程发生在哪里,记忆在哪里.


We anticipate the same will eventually happen in technology. With memory – DRAM – there’s very low latency and very high speed, but it’s nonpersistent and more expensive. Then there’s NAND, which has slower speed and higher latency. But is there something in between? 有没有一种东西拥有DRAM更多的性能特征,但却像NAND一样持久? 内存和存储之间界限的模糊将是市场发展的方向.


我认为另一个正在扎根的未来趋势是基于用户的移动设备情境化. Everybody uses devices differently. As our devices continue to get smarter, 它们会识别谁在使用它们,并根据用户的上下文进行调整. Since your browsing, your viewing and your commute differ from mine, your phone will behave totally differently than mine. 人工智能和机器学习将继续扩大我们的设备对我们的了解和能够为我们做的事情的可能性. Contextualizing will be at another level in the next few years. 您的设备将完全意识到,个性化和定制您.


This is where your mobile device is going. A recent article in Wired 指出最有价值的数据正日益变得便携和个人化, from smartphones and wearable sensors. 他们看到了数据挖掘的淘金热,这将使公司“积累千兆字节(10^24)的数据”.”


下一代移动设备将继续帮助我们更智能地工作, 扩大我们的娱乐可能性,并以创新的方式将我们与世界联系起来. 我在美光的团队正专注于预测这些趋势,并找出如何将它们量化到内存和存储沙巴体育结算平台中,以支持我们所有人的未来.

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Given the current events of the world, 我们中的许多人比以往任何时候都更依赖于移动设备来与我们的社区和整个世界保持联系. Specifically, 智能手机上的摄像头帮助我们记录和联系,同时我们体验了在家度过时间的“新常态”. 但是你还记得手机没有内置摄像头的时代吗?

What’s the best camera?

我清楚地记得这一次,虽然它已经有一段时间了. 我的职业生涯是在技术领域,特别是在移动设备设计方面. 当我在德州仪器公司帮助开发早期数码相机的技术时, 我记得我曾和我的前任老板争论过,人们是否需要在手机里安装摄像头. 晚些时候, 我在高通(Qualcomm)工作时也有过类似的争论,讨论智能手机摄像头能否与现代数码傻瓜相机相媲美. 就连当时的手机oem厂商也怀疑人们是否会把智能手机摄像头作为日常的主要摄像头. People would always ask me, “What’s the best camera?” My answer was always the same, “The one you have with you.” To me, it made perfect sense for cameras to live in smartphones.

如今,摄像头是人们升级手机的主要原因之一. In five years, 你拿着的手机将会完全不同,改变将从摄像头开始. Some new 5G phones will have five cameras and 8K video. In the future, the entire back of your phone could be a camera.


What goes into having a camera on your phone?

你可能没有意识到的是,创建图像所需的处理能力,以及设备为人工智能(AI)和机器学习提供动力的能力,就在你的指尖. For instance, the camera on your mobile device is always analyzing, “Am I taking a picture of a person? Where is the face? Is the sun out?“有些相机甚至会拍多张照片,然后再决定你最喜欢哪一张!

With 5G, these use cases will increase. Newly available foldable screens are much bigger, 这意味着用户将在手机上运行多个Windows系统的多个应用程序, like you would on your laptop. 每个窗口都需要专用带宽,这意味着一个处理器可以处理多个应用程序. 要进行这种处理,您需要高速、高带宽的内存——靠近处理器. Or you have a serious bottleneck.

即将上市的5G手机拥有惊人的处理能力和不断增加的内存和存储空间. 一些最新的智能手机拥有多个异构处理器, some clocking to over 3Ghz and 16GB of DRAM and 1TB of storage. We find that every time processing speeds up, device manufacturers start looking for lower power, lower latency and higher capacity memory and storage. That’s the fuel — and that’s where 微米 comes into play. 我们拥有广泛的沙巴体育结算平台和技术组合,为未来的发展提供动力.

How do 微米 products power the future of smartphones?

The recently announced 小米 Mi 10 leverages 微米 LPDDR5. 这是世界上首款量产的低功耗DDR5 DRAM,使5G智能手机能够以超低延迟响应时间和低功耗模式运行,从而支持多个高分辨率摄像头, multiplayer gaming, and augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications.

这并不是美光推动创新以支持移动未来的唯一领域. We’re also looking at processing versus memory and storage. 在我们今天的沙巴体育结算平台中,我们认为处理和记忆是相互分离的. 但我从生物学上得到了启示,因为很难分辨人类大脑中的处理过程发生在哪里,记忆在哪里.

We anticipate the same will eventually happen in technology. With memory – DRAM – there’s very low latency and very high speed, but it’s nonpersistent and more expensive. Then there’s NAND, which has slower speed and higher latency. But is there something in between? 有没有一种东西拥有DRAM更多的性能特征,但却像NAND一样持久? 内存和存储之间界限的模糊将是市场发展的方向.

我认为另一个正在扎根的未来趋势是基于用户的移动设备情境化. Everybody uses devices differently. As our devices continue to get smarter, 它们会识别谁在使用它们,并根据用户的上下文进行调整. Since your browsing, your viewing and your commute differ from mine, your phone will behave totally differently than mine. 人工智能和机器学习将继续扩大我们的设备对我们的了解和能够为我们做的事情的可能性. Contextualizing will be at another level in the next few years. 您的设备将完全意识到,个性化和定制您.

This is where your mobile device is going. A recent article in Wired 指出最有价值的数据正日益变得便携和个人化, from smartphones and wearable sensors. 他们看到了数据挖掘的淘金热,这将使公司“积累千兆字节(10^24)的数据”.”

下一代移动设备将继续帮助我们更智能地工作, 扩大我们的娱乐可能性,并以创新的方式将我们与世界联系起来. 我在美光的团队正专注于预测这些趋势,并找出如何将它们量化到内存和存储沙巴体育结算平台中,以支持我们所有人的未来.

Senior VP & General Manager, MBU

Raj Talluri

Raj Talluri是沙巴体育安卓版下载高级副总裁兼移动事业部总经理. 他是一名技术专家,曾在德州仪器(Texas Instruments)和高通(Qualcomm)组建过相机团队. 他在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的博士论文主要研究图像技术. 最重要的是,他是一名摄影师,很高兴能把工作带回家.